Storage of pellets – how should we proceed?

March 25, 2021

Storage of pellets – Why is it important to understand?

Pellet heating is becoming more and more popular these days due to the many advantages it offers such as high efficiency and long-term economy. However, it is important that if we choose this source of heat, we should familiarise ourselves with the basic rules for its storage. For this, we at Schneider Pellets will give a few tips.

Storage of pellets - advice

Once the wood is processed, the finished pellets are packaged in our factory. We use specially perforated sacks to maximize the “life” of the product. However, upon delivery to the customer, the customer should thoroughly investigate how to store and preserve the pellets so that they are not destroyed.

One of the most important things everyone needs to consider is the humidity and the room we use to store and store pellets. When stored indoors, humidity plays a role. With humidity above 10%, the storage period is no more than three months. If the humidity drops below 10%, then the product can last up to half a year. It is also nice to keep the place ventilated.

If you do decide to leave the pellets outside, keep in mind that they must be under a covered shelter. The pellets should not be heated directly by the sun’s rays during the day, because when it cools down in the evening, condensation forms which wets and ruins the product.

Another important point is to avoid placing the pellet bags directly on the floor. The usage of pallets is recommended as it can save you from wasting large quantities of pellets.


When buying pellets, one of the first things you need to be sure of is that you provide them with excellent storage conditions. Only then should you plan to purchase a larger quantity. Those who are unsure of the storage of the product can stock up on pellets for the next month or two and as the quantity decreases, look to refill.


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