Good quality wood pellets

February 1, 2024

Why is it important to use good quality pellets?

In this article, we at Schneider Pellets will give an accurate explanation of how and why the quality of one of today’s most advanced heating methods is so important. You can find pellets in many places, but you need to know which are the real quality pellets.

It is a type of solid fuel in the form of cylindrical pellets that are produced from wood waste. Pellet heating has some advantages such as the small combustion waste product and the automatic fuel supply to the burner.

Wir von SchneiderPellets haben unser Unternehmen am Fuße des Rila-Gebirges in der Stadt Samokov angesiedelt. Aus einem der schönsten Flecken Bulgariens beziehen wir das Rohmaterial für unsere Pellets. Wir verwenden nur hochwertiges Nadelholz und unsere Produktionskapazität beträgt über 20.000 Tonnen pro Jahr.

Stages of production of good quality pellets

In order to reach the final product, the pellets must first go through several stages of processing. Initially the wood is ground into large pieces and left to dry. The reason for the coarse shredding is the less time it then takes for the material to dry;

Two types of mills are used for this grinding – drum type or hammer mills. A new grinding process follows, this time making the timber into small pieces. Hammer mills are most commonly used here. At the end of the stage, uniformity of the particles must be achieved – up to 4 mm.

One of the most important stages is pressing – this is where the wood pellets are shaped. The milled and dried wood is fed to a granulator via a doser and the pellets are formed. Pressing takes place at high pressure and a temperature of over 100 degrees. The lignin contained in the wood is the natural glue that softens at such temperatures;

After drying, the pellets have a temperature between 70 and 90 degrees, this temperature depends on the pressing force;

Pressing power is decisive for good quality pellets

When the power is higher, it makes the temperature higher, and this determines how high the pellet quality will be. Once the process is complete, however, the pellets need cooling. For this, coolers are used, which also achieve the final hardening of the wood pellets. Only then are the pellets suitable for storage and transport.


How do we know which are good quality pellets?

In order for the customer to choose only quality pellets for their home, there are a few rules to follow;

  1. Pellet diameter;
  2. Powder Content;
  3. Pellet fragility;
  4. Dissolve in water;
  5. Smooth surface;
  6. Smell;
  7. Colour.

To be even more specific and to help our customers, we have created an article with all the rules. Read here the article “The best pellets“, from which you will learn everything important about quality pellets and their choice;

In order to have quality pellets, it is a good idea to package them and then store them in pre-prepared storage rooms. It is advisable to keep these areas clean (dry) and ventilated.

We at “SchneiderPellets” can boast the EN Plus trademark. But what does that mean? In 2010, the EU introduced a single quality standard for wood pellets for heating (EN 14961-2). This standard concerns parameters such as pellet length, diameter, ash, moisture content, etc. The adoption of this quality standard also introduces the EU EN Plus certificate, which is intended for pellets used for domestic use. interkeramos

ENplus distinguishes quality into two – A1 and A2.

For Class A1, the strictest possible restrictions for ash content in quality pellets have been introduced, with us it is up to 0.69%. For Class A2, the ash content can be up to 1.5%.

Characteristics of “SchneiderPellets” wood pellets:

  • – 100% softwood without chemical impurities.
  • – Heat release – 5.1 kWh/kg
  • – Burning ash – up to 0.69%
  • – Diameter – 6mm
  • – Length – up to 35mm
  • – Moisture – 5.5%
  • – Sulphur – 0.0014%

Kinds of packаges for pellets

Ние предлагаме следните разфасовки:

–          15 кг. чувал – удобен при зареждането на бункера с гориво на Вашата камина или водогреен котел;

–          Както и Jumbo bag (big bag) от 1000 кг. – улесняващ зареждането на по-големи инсталации.

Pellet heating – tips and advantages

Delivery to any part of the country

Our team is always ready to help the customer. We can assist in finding the most advantageous transport for destinations throughout Bulgaria;

Our partner network is constantly growing, as we work with representatives in Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas, Dobrich, Blagoevgrad, Pazardzhik and others.

Повече информация за доставката на пелети до Вашия дом може да получите на телефон 0878 012 340, както и на нашия e-mail адрес

Our team will expressly prepare an offer for you, which will include the price of wood pellets according to the season, as well as an amount for transport.

Proof that a trader sells quality pellets is verified by a special certificate – EN Plus A1. On 24.06.2019 Axel Trade 2009 Ltd certified its pellets with EN Plus A1 certificate.

The certificate is issued by the Italian official certification body ENAMAgroenergie with number n. 2/188  in accordance with the regulatory requirements UNI EN ISO 17225/2014 parts 1 and 2 and UNI EN ISO 15234/2011 and 2012 as a certified manufacturer of pellets of class A1.

An up-to-date check of certified producers can be made on the official website of ENplus® c/o Bioenergy Europe:

Axel Trade 2009 Ltd is growing its product catalogue. With care for nature, we created eco-compressed wood pallets for convenient and easy transport of goods. You can find ore about our new product on this page.


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